Gadget Freaks vs Real Geeks
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- Category: Geek's way
- Hits: 1731
Gadget freaks are not the same to geeks. At some point they are contradicting.
Gadget freaks emphazise on the possession of, well... gadgets. They often rely on money to achieve well respected status.
On the other side, the geeks are willing and love to do more, in unbelievable efforts to do or create something that might be easier to have or do with more money. The process is essential. Scientific or technical difficulties is the way.
True Geeks. We do, not because we have to. We do because we can!
Salah siapa anak anda berbuat salah?
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- Category: Pendidikan dan sekolah
- Hits: 2172
My son is my responsibility.
So when he done something wrong,
just because I haven't tell him the right way,
or because I taught him something wrong,
then I have to punish myself.
That's because the mistakes he made, are part of my failure.
Ubuntu Edge, ponsel dan mobile desktop sekaligus di saku anda
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- Category: Gadget
- Hits: 6378
Pagi ini, mendapat info dan link dari seorang rekan mengenai Ubuntu Edge.
Ubuntu Edge adalah ponsel bersistem operasi Ubuntu Touch, plus didalamnya juga terdapat Ubuntu versi desktop yang berjalan saat ponsel ini disambungkan ke monitor atau TV ber-HDMI.
Link menuju startup project : Ubuntu Edge at Indiegogo
Read more: Ubuntu Edge, ponsel dan mobile desktop sekaligus di saku anda
Ubuntu Touch for Phone - Instalasi ke ponsel Motorola Maserati (Droid 4 XT894)
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- Category: Gadget
- Hits: 3141
Ubuntu Touch for phones, berjalan di Motorola Maserati (Droid 4 XT894).
Read more: Ubuntu Touch for Phone - Instalasi ke ponsel Motorola Maserati (Droid 4 XT894)
Cerita motivasi - Topi Hitam Putih
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- Category: Whatever
- Hits: 2281
Ceritanya ada seorang anak cowok tunggal yang ditinggal mati nyokapnya pas ngelahirin dia. Sejak itu bokapnya jadi amat sangat workaholic sekali dan nggak married2 lagi. Ini anak tapi baik hati dan lemah lembut walaupun cuma diurus sama pengasuh saja.
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